International Environmental Economics and International Policy Issues






Theory and Methodology

Tobias Zander, M.Sc.

Start: 16.04.2020

Time: Thursdays 12:00 - 14:00

Place: N.11.16



Resource Economics

Dr. Fabian Baier

Block: 24.04.2020, 15.05.2020

Time: Friday 9:00 - 18:00

Place: to be announced



Environmental Policy I

Energy Policy and Regualtory Issues

Dr. Erdem from the Federal Network Agency

Time and Place: to be announced


Environmental Policy II

Resource Economics and Policy

Dr. Wilts from the Wuppertal Institute

Time and Place: to be announced



Old Exams:

Exam SS14

Exam WS14/15

Exam SS15

Exam WS15/16

Exam SS16

Exam WS16/17