Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz


Curriculum Vitae



Economist (Dr. rer. oec., PD). Deputy Head of the Research Group Material Flows and Resource Management since November 2003, also holds the endowed chair Toyota Chair for Industry and Sustainability at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. Former positions with the Max Planck Project Group on Collective Goods in Bonn, the Wuppertal Institute, the Institute for European Environmental Policy, Bonn and London as well as in the German Bundestag. Managed research projects, for example Governance for the Japanese government, Sustainable Germany for BUND and Misereor. Research in the USA, UK, South Korea, Japan. Doctorate at the University of Wuppertal, habilitation at the University of Kassel. Research focus: resource productivity, governance, comparative institutional analysis, European Union, the hydrogen economy.


Selected Publications:

  • Gemeinschaftsgüter durch Wissen generierende Institutionen. Ein evolutorischer Ansatz für die Wirtschaftspolitik, Metropolis-Verlag (Marburg) 2005.
  • Eco-Efficiency, Regulation, and Sustainable Business. Towards a Governance Structure for Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar Publisher 2004, (Hg. mit Peter Hennicke), 228 S.
  • Ressourcenproduktivität. Innovationen für Umwelt und Beschäftigung, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg u.a. 1998 (299 S.).
  • Zukunftsfähiges Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zu einer global nachhaltigen Entwicklung, hg. von BUND / Misereor, Basel 1996, 19984 (mit R. Loske u.a., 453 S.).
  • A Triple-I Strategy for the Future of Europe. Inaugural Speech as Toyota Chair for Industry and Sustainability, in: College of Europe, Bruges European Economic Policy Papers BEEP No. 10/2005 (22 pp.).
  • Governance of Sustainable Development: Co-Evolution of Political and Corporate Strategies, in: International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, No. 1/2004, pp. 27 - 43.
  • Umweltpolitik im Wandel. Teil I: Entstehung und Institutionen, in: Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 5, Nr. 2 / 2000, S. 95 ? 100, Teil II: Neue Konzepte und Konfliktfelder. Ebd. Nr. 4 / 2000, S. 203-211 (mit Ernst U. v. Weizsäcker).
  • Gemeinsames Umweltmanagement in Unternehmensnetzwerken: das Beispiel der Eco-Industrial Parks, in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Umweltforschung, Jg. 13, H. 3-4 / 2000, S. 457 ? 468 (mit Ulf-Manuel Schubert).
  • Governance of Eco-Efficiency in Japan ? an Institutional Approach, in: Internationales Asienforum / International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1-2 Mai 2003, pp. 107 - 126.
  • Cognitive and Institutional Perspectives of Eco-Efficiency, in: Ecological Economics, Vol. 46 / 2003, pp. 453 ? 467.
  • Rethinking Productivity: Why has Economic Analysis Focused on Labour Instead of Natural Resources? in: Environmental and Resource Economics (EARE), Vol. 19, No. 1, May 2001, pp. 23 - 36.



Contact Details:

Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz

Deputy Head of Research "Stoffströme und Ressourcenmanagement"

Wuppertal Institut

Postfach 100 480

42004 Wuppertal



phone: ++49 (0) 202 2492 - 256 (Sekr. Mary Walker - 139), Fax: - 108




Also: "Toyota Chair for Industry and Sustainability" am Europakolleg Brügge, Belgien