Digital World Economy: ICT, Telecommunications Dynamics and Regulation

Digital World Economy: ICT, Telecommunications Dynamics and Regulation


Prof. Dr. Paul J. J. Welfens (responsible for the course) David Hanrahan (lecturer/coordinator)

Time: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

Place: M.15.13

Begin: 13.10.2022

The language of this seminar is English

moodle course

Seminar papers should be submitted by: 15 March



Slides will be uploaded weekly


Students should choose a topic which can be modified/changed later. Students will be required to make a presentation and write a seminar paper on their chosen topic

Suggested topics

  1. The Impact of ICT on Productivity and Economic Growth
  2. Digital Divide - North-South Perspectives on Digitalization
  3. ICT Infrastructure and Economic Development
  4. ICT Investment and Innovation
  5. Competition Policy and Regulation in Digital Markets
  6. The Liberalization, Regulation and Privatization of the Telecommunication Industry
  7. Network Neutrality in Internet Access Service
  8. Development and Regulation of the Mobile Internet in the Selected Countries
  9. ICT Expansion, Skill Requirements and Employment
  10. The Economic and Social Impact of E-government
  11. Global Value Chains in the Production of ICT Goods
  12. Dynamics of Software and Internet Industries
  13. Greening with ICT: ICT Potential for the Reduction of Emissions and a Greener Economy
  14. The Recycling of E-Waste
  15. ICT Potential for Trade Cost Reduction: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence
  16. The Adoption of ICT in B2B and B2C E-commerce: Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to Conventional Methods
  17. An Economic Perspective on Industry 4.0
  18. The ICT Sector in India: ICT Outsourcing and Offshoring
  19. Why are the US and China the Leading Global Digital Economies?
  20. Taxation and the Digital Econony